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Bounce Jumps

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 6:45 pm
by Soviet
General Rules of Bounce Jumps

- Horizontal distance to jump has no effect on distance or height player bounces.
- The height versus distance ratio can be at most 4/3. That is, your initial height should never be more than 1.33 times your distance to the jump if you want a successful bounce jump. This is due to excessively high angles on anything more than that ratio.

250fps Bounce Jump Distance and Heights
table should also be accurate for 125fps jumping


Please keep in mind these numbers were rounded. The heights did actually increase consistently.

FPS Specific Bounce Jumping
Listed from GOOD to BAD
Keep in mind FPS is important. Test the fps of your map with lighting and make sure that most players can reach a required fps to make the bounce jumps you've put in. Always use good map design. The most important part of a map is making the players happy!


d = 2I

d - distance
I - initial height (player's z coordinate before jump - z coordinate of lowest part of slant)

h = I

h - maximum height reached during jump
I - initial height (player's z coordinate before jump - z coordinate of lowest part of slant)


Undefined FPS

with undefined fps jumping you tend to land about 128 units back from the typical 250/125 jump. Your height stays the same, however it is extremely difficult to get any type of bounce on heights like 320 or 384. Also remember that trying to jump distances with undefined fps is completely hopeless. When I did this test my fps was hovering around 500.



43fps works practically the same as 250 and 125 for distance. The height is maybe 20-32 units less than 250/125.



125fps will bounce you exactly as far as 250fps. The only difference is how far you can strafejump to get to the angle you're bouncing off of.



with 333fps you tend to land about 64units back from where you would land with 250 or 125. The height is roughly the same, however jumping from higher platforms tends to result in less success due to the floating nature of 333fps jumping.

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 8:27 pm
by Pedsdude
Very nice post :)

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 2:10 am
by Deryk
I don't really understand any of the numbers in the chart or what each colum stands for, i am very new to mapping

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 3:42 am
by Soviet
don't worry about the chart, all you need to worry about is the colored text. All the chart shows in some of the data I collected during experimentation. When you are creating a brush, the numbers shown as dimensions for the brush are units. We use them as a measuring device to determine distances in Radiant.

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 3:45 pm
by CX gamer
Technically this is a necro-post.

What angle should the sloped surface be? Or does that not matter?

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 4:32 pm
by Pedsdude

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 4:47 pm
by CX gamer
Ooh thanks! That's very helpfull... :D

All my thanks belong to you ;)

Re: Bounce Jumps

Posted: February 21st, 2010, 8:15 pm
by Pedsdude