When I get more time, I will add to this guide. Once I have pretty much finished the majority of the guide I will provide several new scripts using several advanced functions.
This guide should be used as a small starting guide for people new to scripting, and reference for those who know some scripting. This will provide an insight into how script can improve the fun of maps, and hopefully will help answer questions for those who are stuck.
If you find any problems (be it wrong syntax, spelling or etc) then post.
If you want to request/criticise/compliments or whatever, again post.
1. Getting Started
2. Using Variables
3. Maths & Operators
4. IFs, Loops & Logic
5. Creating Functions
6. Arrays
7. Switch
8. Notfiy / Endon / Waittill
9. Stock Function List (Incomplete)
1. Getting Started
This section will include serveral things you need to know before you start scripting.
All scripts are contained within simple text files that contain no formatting, so programs such as Word are not to be used. The file format used for scripts within the Call of Duty series is 'GSC' (.gsc). It is recommended you use a simple but effective editor for programming, such programs include Crimson Editor, Programmers Notepad and Editplus.
A few things you need to know before reading any further are a few common words used within scripting.
Variables: variables are data storage locations which are assigned a name. For example...
Code: Select all
intVar = 1;
floatVar = 0.5;
strVar = "Text";
boolVar = true;
float (a number containing a decimal), string (text) or a boolean (true/false).
Entity: this is something that is used in maps which can be called in the script. Entities include players, guns,
objectives, script_models, etc.
They can be called using their relative targetname or classname which is defined in the map.
Functions: an action or procedure that can be called or threaded and can return a value. For example...
Code: Select all
self moveY(320, 3);
Arguement: these are required pieces of data that needs to be sent when requested from functions.
For example, if a function is shown as
Code: Select all
function(arg1, arg2)
Code: Select all
ent function(320, 5);
function(dis, time)
ent moveZ(dis, time);
Calling/Threading: these are used with functions. A function can be called or they can be threaded.
If a function is threaded, then the function is performed while the script continues, whereas if a function is called, the script will wait until the function is completed before it continues. Examples...
Code: Select all
function(); // This is how to call a function
thread function(); // This is how to thread a function
For example... (You will see in this example that in the function, called function(), self is equal to 'ent' which was
decalred in a different function)
Code: Select all
ent = getent("ent","targetname");
ent function();
self moveZ(150, 5);
2. Using Variables
Variables can be used in several ways, but in all cases they are used to store some data for the duration of the round. Variables come in different style, integer, floats, strings and booleans, there are also several different ways variables can be stored.
A simple variable is simply declared using
Code: Select all
<variable> = <data>;
Variables can be global (which can be used in all threads without needing to be called) by using the
Code: Select all
level.<variable> = <data>
Code: Select all
<entity>.<variable> = <data>
3. Maths & Operators
Maths is used throughout scripting to get several results, be it distance from two objects or simply to calculate a simple equation.
For example, a variable can be given data from an equation.
Code: Select all
<variable> = 5 + 1;
Code: Select all
<variable> = 6;
Code: Select all
<varAnswer> = <var1> + <var2>;
There are several operators that can be used in maths...
+ :: Addition
- :: Subtraction
* :: Multiplication
/ :: Division
% :: Modulus
= :: Equals
There are also some more unknown operators such as...
++ :: Increment (+1)
-- :: Decrement (-1)
+= :: Incrementation (requires number)
-= :: Decrementation (requires number)
Example of these in use...
Code: Select all
var++; // This is the same as var + 1
var--; // This the same as var - 1
var+=int; // This is the same as var + int (where int is a number)
var-=int; // This is the same as var - int (where int is a number)
This section is to go into a little more detail of how to use statements such as If and different loops.
An 'If' statement is used to compare data and decide what is done after the data is compared.
To go into detail in this section, It is required you know of 'Logic' and the operators used to compare data.
== :: Equal To
!= :: Not Equal To
! :: Negation (Not)
< :: Less than
> :: Greater than
<= :: Less or Equal to
>= :: Greater or Equal to
&& :: And
|| :: Or
Ok, now we have some operators, lets get started on the 'If' statement.
An 'If' statement, requires a minimum of one arguement and usually one operator.
Here are some examples...
Code: Select all
If(variable) // If variable is true
If(!variable) // If variable is not true
If(variable1 == variable2) // If variable1 is equal to variable2
If(variable1 != variable2) // If variable1 is not equal to variable2
If(integer1 < integer2) // If integer1 is less than integer2
If(integer1 > integer2) // If integer1 is greater than integer2
If(integer1 <= integer2) // If integer1 is less than or equal to integer2
If(integer1 >= integer2) // If integer1 is greater or equal to integer2
If((var1 == var2) && (var3 != var4)) // If var1 is equal to var2 AND var3 is not equal to var4
If((int1 > int2) || (var1 == var2)) // If int1 is greater than int2 OR var1 is equal to var2
Code: Select all
If(var1 == var2)
// If statement is true, do this code
// more code here
Whether or not the statement is true, the code outside of the brackets is going to be processed. If this is not what you want,
you need to use "Else" after the statement, for example...
Code: Select all
If(var1 == var2)
// If true
// If False
Code: Select all
if(var1 == var2)
// If above arguement is true
Else if(var1 == var3)
// If first arguement is false, but second is true.
// If all arguements are false
Loops come in different forms...
While :: A while loop is a loop that keeps looping WHILE the arguement is true.
For :: A for loop is a loop that loops a set amount of times
To use a while loop, an arguement is needed "while(arguement);"
Often, this loop is used for infinite loops. An infinite loop is a loop that loops forever.
This is done using the arguement of 1 or true (1 is the integer of true)
Code: Select all
when the arguement becomes false the loop exits automatically.
Code: Select all
int = 0;
while(int < 10)
wait 1;
Once 'int' is not less than 10, the loop breaks.
The same applies for FOR loops.
An FOR loop requires 3 arguements.
Code: Select all
While is what determines when the loop breaks
Do is what the loop should do after each loop.
A common FOR loop looks like this...
Code: Select all
Lets use the code, and replace int...
Code: Select all
wait 1;
- 'i' = 0
- loop check "while" (if i is less than 10, continue)
- perform code (wait 1;)
- increment 'i' (i++)
- 'i' = 1
- etc.
The FOR loop can also be used as an "infinite loop" using the "forever loop"
Code: Select all
The problem with infinite loops is they give an error if you do not allow the loop to take a breath.
infinite loops require a wait statement. If you get an "Infinite Loop" error, this is the reason.
That is about the loops, but to finish off, we need to know how to manually exit these loops. A common way to exit
an infinite loop is to use an IF statement to determine when to 'break' (break is the keyword used to exit a loop)
here is an example of an IF statement exiting an infinite loop...
Code: Select all
wait 1;
if(var1 == var2)
- Wait 1
- check if statement...
+ if var1 is equal to var2, exit loop
+ else continue
- loop
5. Creating Functions
A custom function is a good way to use repeat sections of code more efficiently. For example, if you often use
the same sequence of code, you can template them into a custom function. Imagine this is your code...
Code: Select all
wait 1;
brush1 moveZ(320, 5);
brush1 waittill("movedone");
wait 1;
brush2 moveZ(540, 3);
brush2 waittill("movedone");
Code: Select all
_moveEnt(ent, dist, time)
Now lets look at the full code with custom function in use...
Code: Select all
_moveEnt(brush1, 320, 5);
_moveEnt(brush2, 540, 3);
_moveEnt(ent, dist, time)
wait 1;
ent moveZ(dist, time);
ent waittill("movedone");
it is called, the details are changed in the custom function and are processed. Once they are finished,
it goes back to the main function.
Functions can also return values, for example performaing mathmatical equations.
A new function to get 3D area...
Code: Select all
area = _areaEquation(2, 4, 6);
_areaEquation(a, b, c)
answer = (a * b) * c;
return answer;
This declares a new variable (area). The variable area, is the answer that is returned by the function.
6. Arrays
Arrays are "multivariables". You can store several pieces of data within a single array. This can be integers, strings or pieces of data such as targetnames and etc.
Arrays are the answwer to having to use multiple variables or in mapping, you can use a single targetname.
Arrays are the key to more efficient scripts and maps. If your map contains lots of entities which do the exact same thing (such as moving platforms) then you should be using an array to manipulate them.
To create an array we simply type...
Code: Select all
arrayName = [];
Code: Select all
maps\mp\_utility::add_to_array(array, ent);
Code: Select all
maps\mp\_utility::add_to_array(arrayName, arrayString);
Whenever you see, <ent>.size the .size does not mean dimension, but "how many". So if an array contains 1 piece of data, the array.size is 1.
Another thing is calling the array. A piece of data is called from an array using the array number...
So, if we go back to the example, we have just put arrayString inside arrayName, so our arrayName.size = 1. To get that information back we use
Code: Select all
If you had 10 pieces of data in the array, the size would be ten but you would only be able to call [0]-[9].
A common use for the array is to thread a function to all of the players on the server. This can be done using an array with a for loop.
So, first off we must get our array, and instead of using the above method of defining an array and adding custom data, we use a builtin command.
Code: Select all
players = getEntArray("player", "classname");
Inside "players[]" is every player on the server, and now all we need to do is use the array to thread a function to each player.
So, here we have a for loop to do such a thing.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
players[i] thread function();
The first loop, 'i' equals 0, so
Code: Select all
players[0] thread function();
If the amount of players on the server is 10 then loop will loop while 'i' is less than the size of the array (10). This means the 'i' will equal 0,1,2...,9.
Arrays are a complicated part of scripting, but once you have them understood, they are one of the most useful things.
7. Switch
Switch is often used when there are multiple limited outcomes for a single variable.
The Switch function can often be replaced by lots of "If" and "Else If" statements, but Switch is more efficient when the variable being checked has a limited amount of outcomes.
How to use "Switch".
Switch can be quite hard to understand at first glance, but after using it, it will become easier.
Here is an example of how it is used. This is taken from the menu scripts, which handles the ingame menus, I have cut the code and also added the commented lines myself.
Code: Select all
self waittill("menuresponse", menu, response);
case "changeweapon":
self closeMenu();
self closeInGameMenu();
if(self.pers["team"] == "allies")
self openMenu(game["menu_weapon_allies"]);
else if(self.pers["team"] == "axis")
self openMenu(game["menu_weapon_axis"]);
case "changeteam":
self closeMenu();
self closeInGameMenu();
self openMenu(game["menu_team"]);
case "muteplayer":
self closeMenu();
self closeInGameMenu();
self openMenu(game["menu_muteplayer"]);
case "callvote":
self closeMenu();
self closeInGameMenu();
self openMenu(game["menu_callvote"]);
// Add default here
// break;
After the variables have been defined, the Switch function is called. It then checks every "Case" (case is the term used for the possible outcomes of the variable) to find a match, if no match is found, the "Default" case is used. (If you do not have a Default case, the script will continue passed the 'Switch' function).
If a match is found, then the function will do ALL the events from that point onwards, which is why you MUST add "break;" at the end of every case, if the break is not existent, then all other case functions will run also.
To use the above example, I shall input my own values to show how the example works...
When I open the menu ingame, I choose the option "changeteam".
The code kicks in and the variable "response" becomes equal to "changeteam".
The switch statement will now look at every case for a positive match.
Once the match is found, everything after the case will happen;
- self closeMenu(); (Current menu closes)
- self closeInGameMenu(); (Close any other ingame menus)
- self openMenu(game["menu_team"]); (Will open the team menu).
- break; (The rest of the switch statement is ended and the code continues.
8. Notify / Endon / Waittill
These 3 functions can be used to do many things, they are often used to "end" a script/function from running, they can be used to stop a script running until another part of the code is ready for it to continue and it can be used in simple debugging (although, not the only way).
The functions are often used mainly on a player or the level. I will provide an example of each.
Code: Select all
level endon ("thread_restart");
Code: Select all
self notify("killed_player");
To use the functions is very easy. First you decide on what you want the function to be called on. If the action is going to happen to a specific player, then use "player" (although, this will need to change depending on how the player is being called, i.e. self, other, user, etc) or if you want the function to work for the entire script, use level.
Then you must decide which function to use. You need to choose, either "endon" or "waittill", they are both self explanatory, one will end when called, and the other will 'wait'.
Next you decide on a unique 'call' for the function. For exmaple...
Code: Select all
level endon("a_unique_call");
Code: Select all
level notify("a_unique_call");
Here is a quick example of it in use in multiple threads in the DM gametype...
Code: Select all
self endon("disconnect");
self notify("spawned");
self notify("end_respawn");
/*... Code Snipped ...*/
self notify("spawned_player");
Callback_PlayerKilled(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
self endon("spawned");
self notify("killed_player");
attacker notify("update_playerhud_score");
spawnSpectator(origin, angles)
self notify("spawned");
self notify("end_respawn");
Here is a quick easy demonstration...
Code: Select all
level waittill("stop_waitting", user);
iprintln("This thread has stopped waitting, because " + user.name + " touched the trigger");
trigger waittill("trigger", user);
level notify("stop_waitting", user);