demo hud disabling doesnt work correctly

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CJ Newbie
CJ Newbie
Posts: 89
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demo hud disabling doesnt work correctly

Post by nhatlam1804 » January 1st, 2013, 5:57 pm

first here the movie.cfg

seta bg_fallDamageMinHeight "1e+010"
seta bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "1e+010"
seta bullet_penetrationMinFxDist "0"
seta cg_crosshairalpha "0"
seta cg_cursorhints "0"
seta cg_viewZSmoothingMin "0"
seta cg_viewZSmoothingMax "1e+010"
seta fx_visMinTraceDist "0"
seta jump_slowdownEnable "0"
seta player_adsExitDelay "1"
seta player_backSpeedScale "1"
seta player_breath_hold_time 30
seta player_breath_gasp_time 0
seta player_breath_gasp_lerp 0
seta bg_bobMax "0"
seta ragdoll_max_life "4500"
seta ragdoll_fps "1e+010"
seta ragdoll_baselerp_time "5000"
seta g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed "1000"
seta r_texfilteranisomax "16"
seta r_texfilteranisomin "16"
seta r_filmTweakBrightness "0.3"
seta r_filmTweakContrast "1.85"
seta r_filmTweakDarkTint "0.75 0.85 1"
seta r_filmTweakDesaturation "0"
seta r_filmTweakEnable "1"
seta r_filmTweakInvert "0"
seta r_filmTweakLightTint "0.9 0.9 1"
seta r_filmUseTweaks "1"
seta r_dof_bias "0.6"
seta r_dof_enable "0"
seta r_dof_farBlur "1"
seta r_dof_farEnd "7500"
seta r_dof_farStart "1000"
seta r_dof_nearBlur "5"
seta r_dof_nearEnd "40"
seta r_dof_nearStart "0"
seta r_dof_tweak "1"
seta r_dof_viewModelEnd "6"
seta r_dof_viewModelStart "2"
seta cg_tracerchance "1"
seta cg_tracerwidth "4"
seta cg_tracerspeed "10000"
seta cg_tracerscalemindist "0"
seta cg_firstPersonTracerChance "1"
seta cg_tracerscale "1"
seta r_lodBiasRigid "-1000"
seta r_lodBiasSkinned "-1000"
seta r_lodScaleRigid "1"
seta r_lodScaleSkinned "1"
seta r_lightTweakSunColor "1 1 1 1"
seta r_lightTweakSunDirection "-93 0 0"
seta r_lightTweakSunLight "1.2"
seta r_contrast "1"
seta r_specularcolorscale "3"
seta r_gamma "1"
seta r_blur "0.2"
seta r_glow "1"
seta fx_enable "1"
seta r_desaturation "1"
seta r_sun_from_dvars "1"
seta r_sun_fx_position "-100 0 0"
seta r_sunblind_fadein "60"
seta r_sunblind_fadeout "0"
seta r_sunblind_max_angle "90"
seta r_sunflare_max_size "1"
seta r_sunflare_min_size "0"
seta r_sunsprite_size "1000"
seta r_sunglare_fadein "0.4"
seta r_sunglare_fadeout "0.4"
seta r_sunglare_min_angle "25"
seta r_sunglare_max_angle "25"
seta r_sunsprite_size "1"
seta sm_enable "1"
seta sm_polygonoffsetscale "2"
seta sm_polygonoffsetbias "0"
seta sm_sunshadowscale 1""
seta sm_polygonoffsetbias "0.5"
seta sm_maxLights "4"
seta r_smc_enable "1"
seta cg_overheadnamesfarscale "0.4"
seta cg_overheadiconsize "0"
seta cg_overheadRankSize "0"
seta cg_overheadnamesfont "6"
seta cg_overheadnamessize "0.5"
seta cg_overheadnamesglow "0 0 0 1"
seta r_drawDecals "1"
seta r_drawSun "1"
seta r_drawWater "1"
seta cg_blood "1"
seta cg_brass "1"
seta r_specular "1"
seta r_specularcolorscale "1.1"
seta r_distortion "1"
seta r_zfeather "1"
seta dynent_active "1"
seta r_fog "0"
seta r_forcelod "0"
seta r_distortion "1"
seta ragdoll_enable "1"
seta cg_drawspectatormessages "0"
seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "0"
seta cg_drawcrosshair "0"
seta cg_drawfps "0"
seta r_detail "1"
seta cg_drawlagometer "0"
seta con_minicon "0"
seta hud_enable "0"
seta ui_hud_hardcore "1"
seta ui_browserhardcore 1
seta cg_chatheight "0"
seta cg_fov "80"
seta cg_fovscale "1.126"
seta g_TeamColor_myteam "0.035 0 1 1"
seta g_TeamColor_enemyteam "1 1 1 1"
seta g_ScoresColor_Allies "0 0.602 1 1"
seta g_ScoresColor_Axis "1 1 1 1"
seta g_TeamColor_Axis 0 0.55 0.9
seta g_TeamColor_Allies 1 1 1 1
seta fx_marks "1"
seta fx_marks_ents "1"
seta fx_marks_smodels "1"
seta cg_headIconMinScreenRadius "0"
seta destructibles_enable_physics "1"
seta cg_drawcrosshair "0"
seta cg_gun_ofs_f "-0.5"
seta cg_gun_ofs_r "0"
seta cg_gun_x "-0.1"
seta r_texFilterMipMode "Force Trilinear"
seta r_normal "1"
seta r_normalmap "1"
seta cg_drawthroughwalls "0"
seta r_clear "4"
seta r_dlightLimit "4"
seta cg_thirdpersonrange "120"
seta ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor "1 0 1 1"
seta com_maxfps "0"
seta waypointIconHeight "1.18"
seta waypointIconWidth "1.19"
seta waypointOffscreenPointerHeight "1.18"
seta waypointOffscreenPointerWidth "1.8"
seta cg_drawfriendlynames "0"
seta waypointdebugdraw "0"
seta scr_game_playerwaittime "0"
seta scr_team_respawntime "0"
seta scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0"
seta scr_game_spectatetype "2"
seta scr_game_matchstarttime "5"
seta scr_fog_disable "1"
seta scr_deleteexplosivesonspawn "0"
seta scr_art_tweak "1"
seta scr_allies "Allies"
seta scr_axis "Axis"
seta scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0"
seta scr_dm_roundlimit "0"
seta scr_dm_scorelimit "0"
seta scr_dm_timelimit "0"
seta scr_war_scorelimit "0"
seta scr_war_timelimit "0"
seta scr_war_roundlimit "0"
seta scr_war_numlives "0"
seta scr_war_playerrespawndelay "0"
seta r_fullscreen "0"

we can see that the hud is disabled
but when the first round in the demo is over, the hud is enabled in the second round. so i have to disable it, in the third round its enabled again, so i have disable it again, like in the next rounds, the hud is always on when the round is over.
in the past it always was disabled.
i dont know how to fix that, cause i think i am doing everything right.
pls help ....

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Re: demo hud disabling doesnt work correctly

Post by Hardcore » January 20th, 2013, 8:52 pm

Nothing you can do here, that's the way you have to do!

So you have to disable the hud each beginning of the round, it's the same for me
. Image

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