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Call of Duty 1.1 Nademod!

Posted: June 3rd, 2012, 11:21 pm
by iLT
Hey guys... If u can speak german... u can answer in german!

I want to create a CoD v1.1 nademod! to trying tricknades... i have downloaded ur 999 Nade mod... but this only works on CoD v1.5 can u help me to edit it for CoD v1.1 or create a new mod for CoD v1.1

i want to play Search and Destroy... with 999 nades... to make/find new tricknades for CoD v1.1 u understand?

i get this error if i try to type /give ammo in console :

"game tried to register the item 'WEAPON_MK2FRAGGRENADE' after initialization finished"

dont know how i can repair it... maybe u have an idea?

Yours Faithfully,
Thomas 'iLT' Wolf