Search found 5 matches

by IAMchefoasis
November 7th, 2021, 1:30 am
Forum: YouTube Upload Requests
Topic: [ADDED] The Chinatown Bomb Bounces Showcase (CoD4/PS3)
Replies: 1
Views: 12662

[ADDED] The Chinatown Bomb Bounces Showcase (CoD4/PS3)

aYoutube Channel Link : Youtube Video Link : Download Link for the video : (Best way to keep the ori...
by IAMchefoasis
March 23rd, 2020, 11:55 pm
Forum: YouTube Upload Requests
Topic: [ADDED] "MWR - New Bounces Montage (PS4)"
Replies: 0
Views: 67181

[ADDED] "MWR - New Bounces Montage (PS4)"

By Jbird: Youtube Channel link : Youtube Video link : Donwload link for the video : (Use the download link please) Description :...
by IAMchefoasis
July 5th, 2018, 12:46 pm
Forum: YouTube Upload Requests
Topic: [ADDED] A bounce montage on mwr ps4
Replies: 0
Views: 73753

[ADDED] A bounce montage on mwr ps4

Video: Song: Open Ocean - Forget My friend Jbird asked me to send you two montages bc he cant do it himself for whatever reason. I send you here his bounce montage with some really good bounces especially the very last one which is pretty sick but also pre...
by IAMchefoasis
July 5th, 2018, 12:30 pm
Forum: YouTube Upload Requests
Topic: [APPROVED] A strafe jump montage on mwr ps4 by jbird
Replies: 0
Views: 73861

[APPROVED] A strafe jump montage on mwr ps4 by jbird

Video: Song: Pheeniks - Silence (Tokyo Ghoul rap instrumental) My friend Jbird asked me to send you two montages bc he cant do it himself for whatever reason. So I send you here his great strafe jumps montage on mwr from ps4. Here is his demand as a proof:
by IAMchefoasis
June 28th, 2018, 8:56 pm
Forum: YouTube Upload Requests
Topic: 2 new videos from my friend jbird
Replies: 1
Views: 8393

2 new videos from my friend jbird

Yo, im back, my friend jbird would like to send his 2 videos to codjumper but idk for what reason he cant submit or cant send the videos (im not sure), but anyway he asked me to send them instead, i show you a screen on messenger to show you proof (i am lolodicaprio if you forgot it). I also send yo...